
Sunday Oct 09, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Confronting the In-laws
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Oh, the dreaded meddling in-laws! While I'm sure they have great hearts in wanting to offer up their opinions to their daughter or son, sometimes they need to learn to respect the boundaries of their adult child's marriage and family life. But unfortunately, some family members cross those lines. This is what one wife is dealing with in her marriage. Here's her story...
Dear Jolene,
My husband's parents are very against mine and my husband's decision to keep having children. We dread telling them every time I get pregnant because they're so hurtful and out of line. When we told them I was pregnant with #3, they said we have to stop having children because of our eldest's "disability," (she has Autism.) We're pregnant with #4 now and my husband doesn't want to tell them at all. I feel he needs to take a direct approach with them and tell them to keep their comments to themselves but he'd rather ignore their phone calls until after the baby is here. What do you think we should do?

Saturday Oct 08, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Getting on the Same Page as Your Spouse Regarding Finances
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016