
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
How a Wife Can Forgive and Forget the Hurtful Words Said by Her Husband
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016
When Your Husband Wants to Do Something Sexually Absurd in the Bedroom
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016

Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Dealing with Temptation when You're Married
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Dear Jolene,
I have been reading your various Biblical lessons on marriage and I can honestly say it's what saved my marriage. I applied Biblical truths that I read on your website and it changed my heart and attitude. I am grateful that the Holy Spirit is using you to reach many women and change lives for the better.
I am having a difficult time discerning whether or not I should stay at my current gym or cancel my membership and go else where. I want so much for God to work in this area of my life which is why I question leaving the gym. The situation at the gym is this....before having a strong relationship with Christ I acted like a wild child at the gym, flirting with other men and acting in a manner in a way that caused attention on me. Sadly I lost a few friends because of my actions. Many people have pulled away from me, even though I am now a changed person. It eats me up inside not having the friends I once had at the gym and being excluded from outside activities.
The other issue is this... I am strongly attracted to a fellow gym member (male). I have prayed to God to take the desire away. I have not and will not act upon my feelings towards this man. I find myself thinking about him way too much. I look forward to seeing this man at the gym. I don't really talk to this man and we workout on opposite sides of the room. My question is should I continue working out at the gym and praying for God to make the change. Or should I just leave the gym and go some where else?

Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Should You Apologize to the Woman You Committed Adultery Against?
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Dear Jolene,
In the past, I committed adultery. I never asked for forgiveness of this man's wife that I wronged and the family that was affected by my great sin. My husband does not want me to speak to this woman but there has been a quiet urging in me all this year to call her. To this day, it appears she has denied anything that has happened and she will most definitely not respond well. But, I feel motivated by humility and love to tell her I wronged her and her family and to ask for forgiveness. I have prayed about it and there is nothing against it in Scripture but yet my family is against me doing so.
Do you have any thoughts on this matter?